
Read the story then answer the questions that follow.
          The Little Red Hen

     One day a hen was working in the barnyard.  While she was working she found a few grains of wheat.  "Oh my," said the Lettle Red Hen.  I can plant these grains and have enough food to feed the other animals on the farm.  She knew that the work would be hard so she went around asking for help.  She went to the cow and asked, "Will you help me plant this wheat?"  No, I'm too tired, said the cow.  She asked the pig, horse, goat and of course the sheep.  "No," they replied, "we are trying to get some rest in the sun.  So the hen began to scratch and scratch in the soil until she finally planted all of the wheat.  The wheat began to grow and finally it was ready to be harvested.  Who will help me harvest and blend the wheat so I can make some nice bread?  All of the animals replied, "Not I!"  So the hen and her chicks harvested and blended the wheat into bread.  All of the other animals wanted to help eat the bread, but the Little Red Hen replied, "Oh no, this bread is for my chicks and I.

1.  Who is the main character in the story?
      a.  The Little Red Hed
      b.  The cow
      c.  The sheep
      d.  The goat and the horse

2.  What is the genre of the story?
      a.  Realistic Fiction
      b.   Fantasy
      c.  Non-fiction
      d.  None of the above.


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